Well, Ive had an ample amount of short, good, bad, insane, almost decade, meaningful, one night stand, exciting, relationships. And I can immediately confirm, that whoever has assembled this mountain of garbage,.. has not iin the slightest. Either it was written buy a man, or boy who has never done more than pass a note to a girl in a classroom. Or it was assembled by a woman, most likely a girl, that lives in another dimension where there are no men and women. What you have in this crapp, which is solely done for ad revenue, is a decent list of the most cliche, stereotypical garbage Ive ever seen. If youve watched television, commercials, or movies where they make men out to be brainless automatons, then you already know whats in this garbage crapp. Im really leaning towards a self-indulgent, selfish, bad attitude having, vapid girl, as having thrown together this stupid app. But I knew that going into it, Im just a masochistic person, and always get a good laugh out of seeing what dumb women, think Ken should be like. So take my advice or dont l, but do know that no two girls are alike, and you can not sandwich them all together with an app, this isnt even the majority of women. So if you are a guy, and you take advice from this misguided charlatan, I pity the girl that you try to use these tactics on. And if youre a girl and agree with this, well.... youre a moron.